How To Get Money Out of Politics

2 min readJan 17, 2022


We are revolutionizing how campaigns can be run to make them more accessible, affordable and inclusive.

While other campaigns are focused on raising the most money, ours is focused on recruiting the most volunteers and having one-on-one conversations with voters.

By harnessing the energy of volunteers (from all ages, backgrounds and counties — with no time or financial commitments), we’ve been able to do with $100,000 what other campaigns have needed millions to accomplish.

While other campaigns will send out four fundraising emails in a row — often making up arbitrary fundraising deadlines — our campaign sends emails about specific policy proposals. Instead of sharing only a few sentences with generic policy rhetoric on our website, our campaign has detailed exactly what we plan to accomplish and how we plan to pay for it. And these policies weren’t developed with paid consultants — they were each created in partnership with residents from every county across Maryland.

While other campaigns say they care about voters, our campaign is the only one that personally and consistently canvasses door-to-door. I, along with my volunteers, visit a different Maryland county each day to talk face-to-face with voters. And my schedule is public and easily accessible.

While other campaigns say they appreciate their volunteers, our campaign is the only one to grant each of our volunteers direct and full access to the candidate. Not only do each of our volunteers assist at events, but they can directly impact policy and strategy decisions — without any required time or financial commitment.

While other campaigns say they want to get money out of politics, our campaign is the only one to commit to free events. Instead of forcing residents to pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to get a one-on-one with the candidate, we ensure there’s true accessibility. We have also shared specific anti-corruption policies, including banning the Governor, Lt. Governor and agency heads from personally owning a business or stocks while in office.

Every other campaign will tell you that raising money or having an inaccessible candidate is normal and necessary to win. But our campaign is proving otherwise.

Our campaign started with an unknown candidate who would be the youngest governor in America. We have since built a winning campaign that has already excited the Democratic base, expanded the electorate, focused on specific policy solutions and actively engaged residents of all age groups, backgrounds and counties in Maryland.

Learn more and join the first 100% volunteer-run, crowdsourced, statewide campaign in the United States at




He/Him — Youngest person to run for MD Governor — Cancer Survivor — NKF — Obama White House/HUD/HHS