Structural Reform

2 min readJan 27, 2021


The world has changed and our politics needs to adapt. That starts with getting money out of politics and empowering people (no matter who they are, where they’re from or even when they are from) to have a say in what the Governor does.


If I have the honor of winning the Democratic nomination, I am committing to have gender diversity on the ticket. Representation matters and dictates how policy is implemented.

It’s also important to note that when you vote for a Governor, you’re also voting for the person who will choose the next state Cabinet and Administration. As such, I will work to create the most diverse administration in our state’s history by hiring qualified individuals who also reflect the great diversity of our state.

We need to bring more veterans, women, people of color, LGBTQ and persons with disabilities to the table. Because the more leaders we have with similar lived experiences to residents, the more sincere they’ll be when enforcing policies.

There are 2 ways to accomplish this: (1) increase outreach and ensure the applicant pool includes more diverse candidates; (2) focus on professional development and retention of appointees.

I did this in the Obama-Biden White House; I’m doing it in my current campaign; and I am committed to doing this in Annapolis.


I believe public office is about public service, not power. As such, I will:

  • Impose a 4-year lobbying ban for the Governor, Lt. Governor and agency heads from becoming corporate lobbyists after they leave their positions.
  • Require the Governor, Lt. Governor and agency heads to place any of their personal businesses into a blind trust to be sold off if elected. No one should profit off these positions of power.
  • Ban the Governor, Lt. Governor and agency heads from owning stocks or serving on for-profit corporate boards while in office.
  • Ensure that every taxpayer dollar that is spent by the state government — to private contractors or lobbying groups — is made public and transparent.


I am committing that every single event I host will be FREE and open to the press. You should not be forced to pay in order to hear from your candidates and representatives.

I also have never, and will never, accept any donations from corporations and businesses, and will make all contributions to my campaign public, accessible and transparent.

I am also running a non-traditional, peer-to-peer, 100% volunteer-run campaign that empoweres people from all backgrounds (from middle schoolers to retirees) to work directly with me on policy and strategy at a senior level.




He/Him — Youngest person to run for MD Governor — Cancer Survivor — NKF — Obama White House/HUD/HHS