Participatory Politics — A New Politics

3 min readJun 28, 2021

Politics is often seen as a complicated, intimidating, insider’s game — made for those with huge pockets or big connections. Government is often seen as an ineffective bureaucracy of politicians who are great at rhetoric but come short on execution. And campaigns are often organizations filled with hypocrisy and empty talking points.

As someone who would be the nation’s youngest Governor, I also hear a lot about how my generation will be held accountable for issues in the future, yet we don’t get a sincere seat at the table when we have solutions.

In fact, in every election I’ll hear Democratic leaders say how important my generation is — how we’re “the future” and are needed to canvass, phonebank and protest in support of established politicians. At the same time — after dedicating dozens of hours a week to elect others — we’re rarely given an opportunity to help with policy and strategy decisions. We’re also told we’re “too young” or “too ambitious” and need to “wait your turn”.

I also notice how many candidates fail to detail exactly how they will accomplish or pay for their proposals. They will wait until getting elected to come up with tangible next steps and seek public support. They will also spend time and government resources on repetitive studies which seek to only delay the process of actually getting anything done.

Thankfully, our politics does not need to remain this way!

  • We created the first 100% volunteer-run, crowdsourced, statewide campaign in the United States;
  • We empower residents — not consultants — to make policy and strategy decisions;
  • We recruit volunteers — not donors;
  • We have mobile offices in every county across Maryland;
  • We have actually gotten money out of politics and have built one of the largest grassroots campaigns — without taking a penny from developers, businesses, PACs or polluters;
  • We have committed to creating the most diverse volunteer base AND most diverse administration if elected. Using my experience in President Obama’s White House Office of Presidential Personnel — where I helped in recruiting, appointing, retaining and diversifying the political appointees in the federal government — I will ensure my Administration not only reflects the diversity (racial and geographic) of our state, but that our leaders sincerely understand the lived experiences of every community.
  • And since January of 2021, we’ve shared over 150 detailed policies on our website. These policies include criminal justice reform, education, housing, transportation, disability rights, women’s rights, climate change, healthcare, agriculture, seniors, LGBTQ rights, small business and labor rights.

This campaign model is geared toward making better policy, and sustainable campaigning and governing — and allowing more people to be Senior Advisors without any time or financial commitments.

Because I believe that decisions about us should not be made without us. And while this brand of politics might be popular rhetoric for politicians, I have yet to see it actually implemented from day one of their campaigns — until now.

In short, I’m running for Governor to empower people — no matter who they are or where they’re from— to have a say in what the Governor does and the policies we create!

If you believe in this type of campaign — and in the type of inclusiveness I’m hoping to bring to our politics — please reach out, follow us on social media (@JainForGov), volunteer or donate. Learn more at




He/Him — Youngest person to run for MD Governor — Cancer Survivor — NKF — Obama White House/HUD/HHS