Press Release — Maryland Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Ashwani Jain Releases Sweeping Policy Proposals

2 min readSep 27, 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 27, 2021

Maryland Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Ashwani Jain Releases Sweeping Policy Proposals

Proposals include comprehensive plans for criminal justice, education, housing, transportation, disability rights, climate change, among others

Montgomery County, MD — Today, the Ashwani Jain for Maryland Governor campaign announced a progressive list of policy proposals that his administration will prioritize if elected. Included in the proposals is Jain’s Maryland Now Plan, which outlines a five-point plan to eliminate the state income tax for 95% of Marylander workers, create the nation’s first guaranteed jobs program, make public transportation free for residents, legalize marijuana while expunging records and impose anti-corruption measures to help make politics more inclusive and accessible for future generations.

In addition to his Maryland Now Plan, Jain released policy proposals that include strategic plans in the areas of criminal justice reform, education, housing, transportation, disability rights, women’s rights, climate change, healthcare, agriculture, seniors, LGBTQ rights, small business and labor rights.

Each proposal highlights Jain’s broader commitment to creating more transparency and accessibility in state politics and making Maryland a more inclusive and equitable place for all residents. “My campaign to serve as Maryland’s next Governor in 2022 (and the nation’s first Millennial Governor) is hoping to change the narrative of who deserves a seat at the table. That begins with inclusive and comprehensive policies and a fresh set of experiences and perspectives.” said Jain.

Jain, who is seeking to become the nation’s youngest Governor, recently participated in the first major Maryland Democratic Gubernatorial candidate forum hosted by the Montgomery County Renters Alliance. During the event, he further detailed his policy proposal on housing. “My housing plan includes three parts: number one is increasing the affordability of housing, number two is increasing the availability of housing, and number three is increasing the sustainability of housing.”

“When I served as one of President Obama’s White House liaisons in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, I helped build a team that worked on affordable housing. We also implemented the national housing trust fund which provided Maryland about $3 million to help with low-income rental assistance and other programs like right to counsel,” Jain added at the forum.

Jain has served in the Obama-Biden White House and two federal agencies — the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and also served as the Director of Outreach for now-President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot initiative. “I have the experience, perspective and empathy needed to serve my fellow Marylanders well,” said Jain

Ashwani Jain is a former Obama-Biden administration appointee, a community organizer, a lifelong Marylander and a cancer survivor. To learn more about his 100% volunteer-run grassroots campaign and progessive policy proposals, visit





He/Him — Youngest person to run for MD Governor — Cancer Survivor — NKF — Obama White House/HUD/HHS